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5/17/24 Today’s Haiku  (May 17, 2024)


Uploaded 5500th today!!

Thank you for visiting and sharing.

Fay Aoyagi


April 17, 2024

San Francisco, CA

Tanka Translation 100th tanka uploaded!


In January 2009, I started translating tanka from “Gendai Tanka no Kansho 101” (Apreciation of Modern Tanka 101), an anthology written and edited by Ken Kodaka.  It took longer than I thought, but I am happy to announce that the mission was completed at last!

Since I do not write tanka and some poets use classic Japanese, I found tanka translation more difficult than haiku translation.   From now on (at least for a while), this blog will concentrate on haiku. 

I appreciate your support and encouragement in the past 3 years! 

Fay Aoyagi

November 30, 2011, San Francisco



Today’s Haiku (May 17, 2024)

万緑やおどろきやすき仔鹿ゐて  橋本多佳子

banryoku ya odorokiyasuki kojika ite

            a myriad of green−

            there is a fawn

            easy to be surprised

                                                            Takako Hashimoto

from Haiku Dai-Saijiki (Comprehensive Haiku Saijiki), Kadokawa Shoten, Tokyo, 2006

Fay’s Note:  Takako Hashimoto (1899-1963)   “banryoku” (myriad of green) is a summer kigo.

Today’s Haiku (May 16, 2027)

蝶低し葵の花の低ければ  富安風生

chō hikushi aoi no hana no hikukereba

            a low-flying butterfly

            when hollyhocks

            are low

                                                Fusei Tomiyasu

from Haiku Dai-Saijiki (Comprehensive Haiku Saijiki), Kadokawa Shoten, Tokyo, 2006

Fay’s Note: Fusei Tomiyasu (1885-1979)    “aoi” (hollyhock) is a summer kigo.

Today’s Haiku (May 15, 2024)

音たてて畳を歩く夜の蜘蛛  中村 遥 

oto tatete tatami o aruku yoru no kumo

            making sounds

            it walks on tatami

            a night spider

                                                Haruka Nakamura

from Haidan, (Haiku Stage) a monthly haiku magazine, February 2019 Issue, Honami Shoten, Tokyo

Today’s Haiku (May 14, 2024)

蟇歩く到り着く辺のある如く  中村汀女

hiki aruku tadoritsuku be no aru gotoku

            a toad walks

            as if it had

            a place to reach

                                                Teijo Nakamura

from Haiku Dai-Saijiki (Comprehensive Haiku Saijiki), Kadokawa Shoten, Tokyo, 2006

Fay’s Note:  Teijo Nakamura (1900-1988)

Today’s Haiku (May 13, 2024)

金魚連れ帰る家々よく見せて  阪西敦子

kingyo tsure kaeru ieie yoku misete

            I bring back goldfish

            showing them a full view

            of houses on the way

                                                            Atsuko Sakanishi

from Kingyo (Goldfish), a haiku collection of Atsuko Sakanishi, Furansu-dō, Tokyo, 2024